Thursday, May 24, 2012

beautiful memories

Hello! I feel like I'm starting to distance away from blogger already. I don't know but I don't feel like blogging as much anymore. Well, because I'm too lazy! :X Will still continue blogging yo! 

So what's been happening?

 Had band AGM yesterday which stands for Annual general meeting? HAHA anyway, it's the day our J2s step down. It was a really... depressing event. I really dread attending the AGM you know :( I don't like going to such events. It feels like we are celebrating that they are stepping down. Wth? Anyway, the whole thing was alright, there's performances(we trombone section performed!:D),talks, videos, hand over ceremony and last but not least FOOD!

Oh! We all gave presents to our graduating seniors too! We are tooooooo sweet HAHAHA.

Okay back to the point. It's a really depressing event. But not so that I will start crying buckets lah! Just this depressing feeling inside me. Even though we've been together for like only 3 weeks? It's not even a month!
But I still feel this closeness with them.

I think they were right to say that it's not about how long you spend together, it's about how much quality time you had together.

In such a short time, my section seniors left me beautiful memories that will stay with me forever.

Now, I shall introduce to you my wonderful seniors!

Back: Me, Vett, Cassandra
Front: Chengyen, Wilfred, Yiheng

I will truly truly miss them. Without them, band will no longer be the same. 

School these days were really stress. Ever since the day I was absent from school, I feel like I'm falling into a downward spiral. The amount of overdued homework are starting to pile up till I feel suffocated already. 
Slowly, I have difficulty understanding in class already. 

However, today I feel like I can finally breathe. Nope it's not because I'm clearing the piled up homework  and it's not because I can finally catch up in lectures and tutorials. It's because at least I know there's something I have hope in. MATH! XD I actually top the class for the most recent maths test! Omggggg! I'm both surprised and happy. 

Let's continue working hard okay! Never lose hope! :D

Anyway, I got my block test timetable already! Time to start mugging and do well for block test! :D

Actually one of the reason for me not catching up in school work is because of the amount of time I spend on twitter! Twitter is awesome! I'm like addicted to it! :D BUT it's like making me more and more emo! 

I have to start to focus on my school work already and remove alll other distractions!! 
偷偷告诉你 I've been really really really lazy these few days till I couldn't recognize myself. 

Time to buck up! OK BYE. 

Love is bound to bring you pain. The more beautiful the memories were, the more it will come back to haunt you when everything ends.