Friday, April 29, 2011

do or do not...there is no try

Today's been a rather short school day .... :D
And next Monday's a holiday, next three Mondays a holiday .... :D

Remember your will. That you want to go jc then university. Cos if you lose your will you lose yourself, don't lose yourself k!
Shan Shan

That's my cousin!:D I told her I had no motivation to study and that's her reply.
Have you ever experienced a feeling where you were sitting down yet you felt like you almost jumped or jerked on your seat after hearing / looking at something.
I felt it, but it's in my heart, like doing a 360degree turn.
I felt like that's what that will make me move. Like it's what you have been waiting to hear, waiting for someone to tell you. It came as a nice advice, but it felt like a good scolding.
Never did I experienced it before. A spur. One line sentence that had great impact.
Thanks shan shan.

Everyone will die. But die without a regret. Die with a fullness feeling but not a empty feeling.

I know what to do already. I hope you do too.

My belief is my strength
My commitment is my power
My passion is my key
My dreams are my breath
Nobody can stop me