I am now so into this awesome story book.
I love long bus/car/mrt rides now, with this book.
And I am like early for my appointment for near two hours.
I hate to wait. But it matter no more since I can't wait to continue my boook.
Awesome. No worries.
Time seems to past fast as well.
And I was on the bus reading, there was this auntie who suddenly talked very loudly to me,
asking iff she coulld sit in.
People then turned to look at me that moment.
I wonder if she talks that loud all the time.
Things became awesome after reading I dont understand why.
I was with my thoughts all the while.
Babies are awesome!
Like seriously. So pure so innocent.
Then I thought, everyone was awesome.
It's just that as years got by, you just got more awesome or less.
Negative or not I don't know.
But whatever it is, I hate it.
I just didn't take it seriously nowadays.
Don't blame me. As i'M not with you this time.
I seriously hate it. I 'm not being too positive ya knw.
Just that I choose to believe. In people, in things.
Then I thought.
I have always thought that there's no limit in everyone.
You can achieve anything.
There will be limit if that person limit him/herself.
"She can't do it." She won't change."
It starts to make sense.
Shoot for the moon and if you miss you'll still be among the stars.