Saturday, November 30, 2013

No longer have to conquer 'A' levels, but time to conquer life. Of course, I'm exhilarated over the end of the month- long exam. But I thought I'll be happier. The first exam-free morning which I woke up to, was tiring. Now that I don't have to worry about the exams, I thought I'll feel light-hearted. Instead, I find myself worrying over even more stuffs, which are so realistic and unavoidable. When I'm having exams, all I have to think about is to do well for it. Everything else can be put aside for the time being. Without exams, problems start to surface and there's no hiding from it. As some of you already knows, I'm going China with shimin soon. Just this issue alone caused so many headaches. I kept thinking and worrying, becoming more and more stressed out. Even when jiaxin met me, the first thing she asked was, why you look so sad? However, after spending the whole day with her, her joy and happiness did rub off on me. Indeed, 'A' level is REALLY over. It took awhile before my brain managed to acknowledge this fact. Went for lunch and Thor with my classmates immediately after the last paper! And the next day I spent the whole day at jiaxin's hair salon. Did my hair!!! I looked very different now I swear! Going to the movies later with my mum, shopping with jiaxin and rock climbing with jiaxin, bro and bro's gf tmrw! Next week there'll be two parties as well!! Gosh, I'm EXCITED. Woohoo~ 'A' level is REALLY over! Even though I was lamenting over how unhappy I was after exams end, I guess problems still have to be faced. Afterall, this is life. Exams are also part and parcel of life. I'm just glad that I managed to overcome one huge hurdle in my life.